13 0-6-0+0-6-0
BR (Pre Tops) | BR (Class 13) | BR (Tops) | Date To Service | Bld | Rebuilt From | Depot Delivered To | Date Withdrawn | Depot Withdrawn From | Svc Age (Yrs) | Fate | Where | When | Tot Age (Yrs) | Name |
01/05/1959 | DA | 08/1965 from 08 |
Sheffield Darnall | 65.02 | ||||||||||
D3698 | D4500 | 13003 | 07/05/1959 | DA | 06/1965 from 08 |
Sheffield Darnall | 65.00 | |||||||
06/07/1962 | DA | 08/1965 from 08 |
Stratford | 61.84 | ||||||||||
D4188 | D4500 | 13003 | 11/07/1962 | DA | 06/1965 from 08 |
Stratford | 61.82 | |||||||
D4189 | D4501 | 13001 | 31/07/1962 | DA | 26/06/1965 from 08 |
Stratford | 61.77 | |||||||
02/08/1962 | DA | 26/06/1965 from 08 |
Stratford | 61.76 |