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57 Co-Co

BR (Pre Tops) BR (47/0) BR (47/3) BR (47/4) BR (47/7) BR (47/8) BR (57/0) BR (57/6) BR (57/3) Date To Service Bld Rebuilt From Depot Delivered To Date Withdrawn Depot Withdrawn From Svc Age (Yrs) Fate Where When Tot Age (Yrs) Name
D1611 47032 47662 47817 57311 18/08/1964 CW 31/07/2003
from 47
Landore 60.19
D1618 47037 47563 47831 57310 05/09/1964 CW 30/08/2003
from 47
Toton 60.15
D1639 47055 47652 47807 57304 14/12/1964 CW 30/08/2002
from 47
Cardiff Canton 59.87
D1644 47060 57008 23/12/1964 CW 26/11/1999
from 47
Cardiff Canton 59.85 Freightliner Explorer
D1653 47069 47638 47845 57301 16/01/1965 CW 31/05/2002
from 47
Cardiff Canton 59.78
D1664 47079 57009 27/02/1965 CW 22/12/1999
from 47
D1677 47091 47647 47846 57308 24/04/1965 CW 08/05/2003
from 47
Cardiff Canton 59.51 THOR
D1758 47164 47571 47822 57305 23/05/1964 BH 19/12/2002
from 47
Tinsley 60.43
D1759 47165 47590 47825 57601 25/08/1964 BH 12/04/2001
from 47
Tinsley 60.18
D1798 47317 57003 29/01/1965 BH 07/01/1999
from 47
Tinsley 59.75 Freightliner Evolution
D1803 47322 57002 21/01/1965 BH 23/11/1998
from 47
Tinsley 59.77 Freightliner Phoenix
D1810 47329 57011 09/02/1965 BH 20/02/2000
from 47
Nottingham Division 59.72 Freightliner Challenger
D1811 47330 57312 09/02/1965 BH 31/10/2003
from 47
Nottingham Division 59.72
D1813 47332 57007 22/02/1965 BH 28/10/1999
from 47
Nottingham Division 59.68 Freightliner Bond
D1818 47337 57602 18/02/1965 BH 30/11/2003
from 47
Nottingham Division 59.69
D1828 47347 57004 10/03/1965 BH 25/02/1999
from 47
Nottingham Division 59.64 Freightliner Quality
D1830 47349 57603 18/03/1965 BH 31/12/2003
from 47
Nottingham Division 59.61
D1831 47350 57005 27/04/1965 BH 01/04/1999
from 47
Nottingham Division 59.50 Freightliner Excellence
D1837 47187 57006 04/05/1965 BH 04/05/1999
from 47
Crewe North 59.48 Freightliner Reliance
D1854 47204 57012 02/07/1965 CW 20/03/2000
from 47
Crewe Diesel 59.32 Freightliner Envoy
D1856 47206 57605 06/08/1965 CW 30/09/2004
from 47
Crewe Diesel 59.23
D1859 47209 57604 21/08/1965 CW 28/02/2004
from 47
Crewe Diesel 59.19
D1875 47356 57001 02/07/1965 BH 17/07/1998
from 47
Immingham 59.32 Freightliner Pioneer
D1890 47371 57313 23/07/1965 BH 04/10/2004
from 47
Tinsley 59.27
D1891 47372 57314 06/08/1965 BH 25/10/2004
from 47
Tinsley 59.23
D1901 47225 57307 20/09/1965 BH 31/08/2003
from 47
Cardiff Canton 59.10
D1907 47231 57010 17/09/1965 BH 24/01/2000
from 47
Cardiff Canton 59.11 Freightliner Crusader
D1911 47234 57315 26/10/1965 BH 23/11/2004
from 47
Cardiff Canton 59.01
D1919 47242 47659 47814 57306 22/11/1965 BH 31/03/2003
from 47
Cardiff Canton 58.93
D1928 47251 47589 47827 57302 21/01/1966 BH 31/07/2002
from 47
Bristol Bath Road 58.77
D1931 47254 47651 47806 57309 21/02/1966 BH 30/06/2003
from 47
Bristol Bath Road 58.68
D1957 47261 47554 47705 57303 28/01/1967 BH 27/02/2003
from 47
Western Lines (LMR) 57.75
D1992 47290 57316 15/03/1966 CW 20/12/2004
from 47
York (North) 58.62