LNER "Y3" Class 0-4-0T
Date | Event | Number | From | Depot From | To | Depot To | Usage |
11/1935 | Reallocation | 78 | CAM | Cambridge | |||
12/1935 | Reallocation | 193 | NEV | Neville Hill | |||
12/1935 | Reallocation | 96 | LOW | Lowestoft | |||
08/1946 | Condemned | 8170 | COND | ||||
01/01/1948 | Reallocation | 68154 | GHD | Gateshead | |||
01/01/1948 | Reallocation | 8155 | BRI | Bridlington | |||
01/01/1948 | Reallocation | 8156 | SEL | Selby | |||
01/01/1948 | Reallocation | 68157 | MAL | Malton | |||
01/01/1948 | Reallocation | 8158 | NEV | Neville Hill | SEL | Selby | |
01/01/1948 | Reallocation | 8159 | NLN | Northallerton | |||
01/01/1948 | Reallocation | 8160 | GHD | Gateshead | |||
01/01/1948 | Reallocation | 68161 | SEL | Selby | |||
01/01/1948 | Reallocation | 8162 | IMM | Immingham | |||
01/01/1948 | Reallocation | 8163 | WRX | Wrexham Rhosddu | |||
01/01/1948 | Reallocation | 8164 | WRX | Wrexham Rhosddu | |||
01/01/1948 | Reallocation | 8165 | DON | Doncaster | |||
01/01/1948 | Reallocation | 8166 | BOS | Boston | |||
01/01/1948 | Reallocation | 8171 | BOS | Boston | |||
01/01/1948 | Reallocation | 68167 | SHF | Sheffield Darnall | |||
01/01/1948 | Reallocation | 68168 | LOW | Lowestoft | |||
01/01/1948 | Reallocation | 68172 | NEA | Neasden | |||
01/01/1948 | Reallocation | 68173 | LOW | Lowestoft | |||
01/01/1948 | Reallocation | 8174 | STR | Stratford | |||
01/01/1948 | Reallocation | 68175 | HITL | Hitchin (GNR) | |||
01/01/1948 | Reallocation | 68176 | CAM | Cambridge | SHF | Sheffield Darnall | |
01/01/1948 | Reallocation | 8169 | GOR | Gorton | |||
01/01/1948 | Reallocation | 8179 | IMM | Immingham | |||
01/01/1948 | Reallocation | 68177 | LOW | Lowestoft | LOW | Lowestoft | |
01/01/1948 | Reallocation | 68178 | LOW | Lowestoft | |||
01/01/1948 | Reallocation | 8180 | GHD | Gateshead | |||
01/01/1948 | Reallocation | 8182 | AUK | West Auckland | |||
01/01/1948 | Reallocation | 8181 | TDK | Tyne Dock | |||
01/01/1948 | Reallocation | 8183 | TDK | Tyne Dock | |||
01/01/1948 | Reallocation | 8184 | SHF | Sheffield Darnall | |||
01/01/1948 | Reallocation | 8185 | NWE | New England | |||
03/01/1948 | Reallocation | 8185 | NWE | New England | HAT | Hatfield | |
10/01/1948 | Reallocation | 68176 | SHF | Sheffield Darnall | GOR | Gorton | |
17/01/1948 | Reallocation | 68175 | HITL | Hitchin (GNR) | HSY | Hornsey | |
17/01/1948 | Reallocation | 8185 | HAT | Hatfield | NWE | New England | |
14/02/1948 | Reallocation | 8162 | IMM | Immingham | BOS | Boston | |
10/04/1948 | Reallocation | 8162 | BOS | Boston | IMM | Immingham | |
12/06/1948 | Reallocation | 8179 | IMM | Immingham | BOS | Boston | |
17/07/1948 | Reallocation | 68175 | HSY | Hornsey | HITL | Hitchin (GNR) | |
14/08/1948 | Reallocation | 68175 | HITL | Hitchin (GNR) | HSY | Hornsey | |
21/08/1948 | Reallocation | 8179 | BOS | Boston | IMM | Immingham | |
15/01/1949 | Reallocation | 68175 | HSY | Hornsey | HITL | Hitchin (GNR) | |
05/02/1949 | Reallocation | 68179 | IMM | Immingham | BOS | Boston | |
02/04/1949 | Reallocation | 68179 | BOS | Boston | IMM | Immingham | |
03/09/1949 | Reallocation | 68176 | GOR | Gorton | SHF | Sheffield Darnall | |
22/10/1949 | Reallocation | 8185 | NWE | New England | HAT | Hatfield | |
11/1949 | Condemned | 68167 | SHF | Sheffield Darnall | COND | ||
05/11/1949 | Reallocation | 8185 | HAT | Hatfield | NWE | New England | |
24/12/1949 | Reallocation | 8158 | SEL | Selby | SEL | Selby | |
23/04/1950 | Reallocation | 68171 | BOS | Boston | 40F | Boston | |
06/05/1950 | Reallocation | 68171 | 40F | Boston | 40F | Boston | |
31/12/1950 | Reallocation | 68171 | 40F | Boston | 40B | Immingham | |
20/01/1951 | Reallocation | 68171 | 40B | Immingham | 40B | Immingham | |
20/01/1951 | Reallocation | 68176 | SHF | Sheffield Darnall | 39A | Gorton | |
31/01/1951 | Reallocation | 68176 | 39A | Gorton | 39A | Gorton | |
21/04/1951 | Reallocation | 68171 | 40B | Immingham | 40F | Boston | |
05/05/1951 | Reallocation | 68171 | 40F | Boston | 40B | Immingham | |
19/05/1951 | Reallocation | 68171 | 40B | Immingham | 40B | Immingham | |
19/05/1951 | Reallocation | 68176 | 39A | Gorton | 39B | Sheffield Darnall | |
21/05/1951 | Condemned | 68163 | WRX | Wrexham Rhosddu | COND | ||
17/07/1951 | Reallocation | 68162 | IMM | Immingham | 6E | Wrexham Rhosddu | |
08/1951 | Condemned | 68175 | HITL | Hitchin (GNR) | COND | ||
18/08/1951 | Reallocation | 68171 | 40B | Immingham | 40F | Boston | |
06/10/1951 | Reallocation | 8183 | TDK | Tyne Dock | 53A | Hull Dairycoates | |
20/10/1951 | Reallocation | 8183 | 53A | Hull Dairycoates | 53A | Hull Dairycoates | |
12/11/1951 | Condemned | 68171 | 40F | Boston | COND | ||
17/11/1951 | Reallocation | 68176 | 39B | Sheffield Darnall | 39A | Gorton | |
24/11/1951 | Reallocation | 68182 | AUK | West Auckland | 51A | Darlington | |
12/1951 | Condemned | 68172 | NEA | Neasden | COND | ||
17/12/1951 | Condemned | 68179 | IMM | Immingham | COND | ||
19/01/1952 | Reallocation | 68176 | 39A | Gorton | 39B | Sheffield Darnall | |
22/03/1952 | Reallocation | 68161 | SEL | Selby | 50F | Malton | |
22/03/1952 | Reallocation | 68174 | STR | Stratford | 40B | Immingham | |
09/08/1952 | Reallocation | 68184 | SHF | Sheffield Darnall | 39A | Gorton | |
23/08/1952 | Reallocation | 68184 | 39A | Gorton | 39A | Gorton | |
04/10/1952 | Reallocation | 68184 | 39A | Gorton | 39B | Sheffield Darnall | |
18/10/1952 | Reallocation | 68184 | 39B | Sheffield Darnall | 39B | Sheffield Darnall | |
12/1952 | Condemned | 68157 | MAL | Malton | COND | ||
06/04/1953 | Condemned | 68174 | 40B | Immingham | COND | ||
18/04/1953 | Reallocation | 68184 | 39B | Sheffield Darnall | 39A | Gorton | |
16/05/1953 | Reallocation | 68184 | 39A | Gorton | 39B | Sheffield Darnall | |
16/05/1953 | Reallocation | 68185 | NWE | New England | 40B | Immingham | |
10/08/1953 | Condemned | 68176 | 39B | Sheffield Darnall | COND | ||
31/08/1953 | Condemned | 68161 | 50F | Malton | COND | ||
10/1953 | Condemned | 68154 | GHD | Gateshead | COND | ||
22/05/1954 | Reallocation | 68159 | NLN | Northallerton | 52A | Gateshead | |
03/06/1954 | Condemned | 68156 | SEL | Selby | COND | ||
24/07/1954 | Reallocation | 68180 | GHD | Gateshead | 50C | Selby | |
24/07/1954 | Reallocation | 68182 | 51A | Darlington | 53A | Hull Dairycoates | |
08/11/1954 | Condemned | 68184 | 39B | Sheffield Darnall | COND | ||
19/04/1955 | Condemned | 68185 | 40B | Immingham | COND | ||
23/04/1955 | Reallocation | 68169 | GOR | Gorton | 40B | Immingham | |
04/07/1955 | Condemned | 68169 | 40B | Immingham | COND | ||
15/08/1955 | Condemned | 68155 | BRI | Bridlington | COND | ||
26/09/1955 | Condemned | 68158 | SEL | Selby | COND | ||
22/10/1955 | Reallocation | 68160 | GHD | Gateshead | 53A | Hull Dairycoates | |
21/05/1956 | Condemned | 68180 | 50C | Selby | COND | ||
16/06/1956 | Reallocation | 68182 | 53A | Hull Dairycoates | 50C | Selby | |
03/11/1956 | Reallocation | 68164 | WRX | Wrexham Rhosddu | 84G | Shrewsbury | |
04/03/1957 | Condemned | 68159 | 52A | Gateshead | COND | ||
07/09/1957 | Reallocation | 68164 | 84G | Shrewsbury | 6E | Wrexham Rhosddu | |
14/09/1957 | Condemned | 68164 | 6E | Wrexham Rhosddu | COND | ||
27/01/1958 | Condemned | 68182 | 50C | Selby | COND | ||
11/1958 | Condemned | 5 | DONWKS | COND | |||
01/1959 | Condemned | 8 | 53A | Hull Dairycoates | COND | ||
02/1959 | Condemned | 38 | LOWEng | COND | |||
11/1959 | Condemned | 3 | TDK | Tyne Dock | COND | ||
07/1960 | Condemned | 21 | 6E | Wrexham Rhosddu | COND | ||
07/1960 | Condemned | 42 | LOW | Lowestoft | COND | ||
02/1961 | Condemned | 57 | 96F | COND | |||
03/1963 | Condemned | 41 | LOW | Lowestoft | COND | ||
05/1964 | Condemned | 7 | BOS | Boston | COND | ||
05/1964 | Condemned | 40 | LOWED | COND |