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42 B-B

BR (Pre Tops) Date To Service Bld Depot Delivered To Date Withdrawn Depot Withdrawn From Svc Age (Yrs) Fate Where When Tot Age (Yrs) Name
D800 11/08/1958 SW Swindon 05/10/1968 10.17 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 07/1969 10.93 SIR BRIAN ROBERTSON
D801 07/11/1958 SW Laira 03/08/1968 9.75 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 24/10/1970 11.97 VANGUARD
D802 16/12/1958 SW Laira 05/10/1968 9.83 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 30/11/1970 11.96 FORMIDABLE
D803 16/03/1959 SW Laira 01/01/1972 Newton Abbot 12.83 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 06/10/1972 13.57 ALBION
D804 23/04/1959 SW Laira 03/10/1971 12.5 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 24/03/1972 12.93 AVENGER
D805 13/05/1959 SW Laira 24/10/1972 Laira 13.42 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 16/05/1973 14.02 BENBOW
D806 03/06/1959 SW Laira 02/11/1972 Laira 13.42 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 05/1975 15.96 CAMBRIAN
D807 24/06/1959 SW Laira 26/09/1972 Laira 13.25 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 03/11/1972 13.37 CARADOC
D808 08/07/1959 SW Laira 03/10/1971 12.25 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 25/02/1972 12.64 CENTAUR
D809 19/08/1959 SW Laira 03/10/1971 12.17 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 06/10/1972 13.14 CHAMPION
D810 16/09/1959 SW Laira 03/12/1972 Laira 13.25 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 26/09/1973 14.04 COCKADE
D811 14/10/1959 SW Laira 01/01/1972 Newton Abbot 12.25 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 13/10/1972 13.01 DARING
D812 12/11/1959 SW Laira 03/11/1972 Laira 13 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 04/07/1973 13.65 THE ROYAL NAVAL RESERVE 1859-1959
D813 09/12/1959 SW Laira 01/01/1972 Newton Abbot 12.08 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 30/09/1972 12.82 DIADEM
D814 01/01/1960 SW Laira 07/11/1972 Laira 12.83 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 20/02/1974 14.15 DRAGON
D815 20/01/1960 SW Laira 03/10/1971 11.75 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 13/10/1972 12.74 DRUID
D816 17/02/1960 SW Laira 01/01/1972 Newton Abbot 11.92 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 22/09/1972 12.61 ECLIPSE
D817 09/03/1960 SW Laira 03/10/1971 11.58 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 10/03/1972 12.01 FOXHOUND
D818 30/03/1960 SW Laira 01/11/1972 Laira 12.67 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 30/11/1985 25.69 GLORY
D819 25/04/1960 SW Laira 01/10/1971 11.5 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 03/03/1972 11.86 GOLIATH
D820 04/05/1960 SW Laira 02/11/1972 Laira 12.5 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 15/08/1973 13.29 GRENVILLE
D821 25/05/1960 SW Laira 03/12/1972 Laira 12.58 Prs Preserved 64.43 GREYHOUND
D822 15/06/1960 SW Laira 03/10/1971 11.33 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 18/02/1972 11.68 HERCULES
D823 06/07/1960 SW Laira 03/10/1971 11.25 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 19/05/1972 11.88 HERMES
D824 27/07/1960 SW Laira 03/12/1972 Laira 12.42 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 18/06/1975 14.90 HIGHFLYER
D825 24/08/1960 SW Laira 23/08/1972 Laira 12 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 27/10/1972 12.18 INTREPID
D826 07/09/1960 SW Laira 18/10/1971 11.08 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 21/01/1972 11.38 JUPITER
D827 04/10/1960 SW Laira 01/01/1972 Newton Abbot 11.25 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 13/10/1972 12.03 KELLY
D828 19/10/1960 SW Laira 28/05/1971 10.58 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 07/04/1972 11.47 MAGNIFICENT
D829 23/11/1960 SW Laira 26/08/1972 Laira 11.75 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 30/01/1974 13.19 MAGPIE
D830 19/01/1961 SW Newton Abbot 26/03/1969 8.17 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 22/10/1971 10.76 MAJESTIC
D831 11/01/1961 SW Laira 03/10/1971 10.75 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 03/06/1972 11.40 MONARCH
D832 08/02/1961 SW Laira 16/12/1972 Laira 11.83 Prs Preserved 63.72 ONSLAUGHT
D866 24/03/1961 SW Laira 01/01/1972 Newton Abbot 10.83 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 13/10/1972 11.56 ZEBRA
D867 26/04/1961 SW Laira 18/10/1971 10.5 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 30/09/1972 11.44 ZENITH
D868 18/05/1961 SW Laira 03/10/1971 10.42 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 07/04/1972 10.90 ZEPHYR
D869 12/07/1961 SW Laira 03/10/1971 10.25 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 23/06/1972 10.96 ZEST
D870 25/10/1961 SW Laira 28/08/1971 9.83 Cut Locomotive Works (Swindon) 12/05/1972 10.55 ZULU