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GWR Collett "5700" Class 0-6-0PT

Class Types
GWR Class 5700

Designer Charles Collett
Introduced 1929
Grouping Company Great Western Railway
Description (1957) Collett's standard 0-6-0PT's with 4' 7½" wheels. The 863 engines of this type, constructed between 1929 and 1949, constitute the largest class in the country. There are a few detailed variations, but all are in the main of one uniform design. The principal deviations from the standard are found in engines 9700-9711, which are fitted with condensing apparatus for working through the Metropolitan line tunnels in the London area. The design of the cab also underwent a change with the later-built ones. Nos. 6700-6779 were fitted with steam brakes only and confined to shunting duties, mainly in the South Wales division. The other engines, although their principal function is shunting and short-haul freight trains, are vacuum fitted and are frequently to be found working passenger trains. The order of construction of the various batches was: 5700-5799, 6700-6749, 7700-7799, 9700 (first numbered 8700) 8701-8799, 8700, 9701-9799, 3700-3799, 3600-3699, 4600-4699, 9600-9661, 6750-6759, 9662-9682, 6760-6779. Withdrawal of the older engines commenced in 1956, the first constructed, No. 5700, and No. 5762 being taken out of service in that year.
Wheel Arrangement 0-6-0PT
Number Built as 5700 863
First in Service 01/1929
Last in Service 11/1966
Swindon Works 613
North British Locomotive Company, Glasgow 100
W.G. Bagnall 50
Yorkshire Engine Company 25
Kerr Stuart 25
Armstrong Whitworth 25
Beyer Peacock Ltd. 25
BuilderSponsorOrder #DateSize
Swindon Works  258 1928 30
North British Locomotive Company, Glasgow (Hyde Park)Swindon Works L852 (SW 256) 1928 25
North British Locomotive Company, Glasgow (Queens Park)Swindon Works L853 (SW 256) 1928 25
Swindon Works  260 1929 20
North British Locomotive Company, Glasgow (Queens Park)Swindon Works n/a (SW 264) 1929 25
Armstrong WhitworthSwindon Works n/a (SW 271) 1930 25
W.G. BagnallSwindon Works n/a (SW 272) 1930 25
W.G. BagnallSwindon Works n/a (SW 262) 1930 25
Kerr StuartSwindon Works n/a (SW 263) 1930 25
North British Locomotive Company, Glasgow (Queens Park)Swindon Works n/a (SW 274) 1930 25
Yorkshire Engine CompanySwindon Works n/a (SW 265) 1930 25
Beyer Peacock Ltd.Swindon Works n/a (SW 273) 1931 25
Swindon Works  282 1933 60
Swindon Works  285 1934 50
Swindon Works  293 1935 25
Swindon Works  299 1935 50
Swindon Works  306 1937 50
Swindon Works  314 1938 50
Swindon Works  325 1939 50
Swindon Works  330 1940 50
Swindon Works  336 1942 26
Swindon Works  352 1943 61
Swindon Works  355 1945 20
Swindon Works  356 1945 10
Swindon Works  362 1946 20
Swindon Works  370 1947 11
Swindon Works  374 1948 10
Swindon Works  378 1949 10
Swindon Works  379 1949 10

Copyright: Unknown - please contact me if you know the copyright holder
Variant Introduced 1929



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