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GWR Collett "5600" Class 0-6-2T

GWR Date To Service Depot Delivered To Date Withdrawn Depot Withdrawn From Svc Age (Yrs) Fate Where When Tot Age (Yrs)
5600 12/1924 27/07/1962 37.58 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 10/1962 37.86
5601 12/1924 15/01/1965 40.08 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 05/1965 40.44
5602 12/1924 07/09/1964 39.75 40.11
5603 12/1924 28/09/1964 39.75 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 12/1964 40.03
5604 01/1925 13/11/1962 37.83 38.77
5605 01/1925 21/05/1966 41.33 Cut Cashmore's (Great Bridge) 12/1966 41.94
5606 02/1925 13/11/1965 40.75 41.19
5607 02/1925 16/12/1963 38.83 38.94
5608 02/1925 29/08/1963 38.5 39.19
5609 02/1925 19/10/1964 39.67 39.94
5610 02/1925 16/12/1963 38.83 39.10
5611 02/1925 09/01/1963 37.92 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 07/1963 38.44
5612 02/1925 25/04/1963 38.17 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 04/1964 39.19
5613 02/1925 07/05/1965 40.25 40.52
5614 02/1925 29/08/1963 38.5 Cut Cohens (Morriston) 01/1964 38.94
5615 03/1925 02/07/1963 38.33 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 01/1964 38.86
5616 03/1925 23/09/1963 38.5 39.19
5617 03/1925 01/09/1962 37.5 Cut Cohens (Morriston) 08/1963 38.44
5618 03/1925 19/03/1965 40 40.11
5619 03/1925 15/06/1964 39.25 Prs Preserved
5620 06/1925 16/07/1963 38.08 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 03/1964 38.78
5621 06/1925 03/06/1965 40 40.36
5622 06/1925 06/06/1963 38 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 12/1963 38.53
5623 06/1925 14/02/1964 38.67 38.94
5624 06/1925 01/06/1964 39 39.11
5625 08/1925 25/10/1963 38.17 38.78
5626 08/1925 02/12/1963 38.33 38.61
5627 08/1925 11/04/1963 37.67 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 12/1963 38.36
5628 08/1925 11/02/1963 37.5 38.19
5629 08/1925 14/05/1964 38.75 38.94
5630 08/1925 05/12/1962 37.33 38.02
5631 08/1925 13/09/1962 37.08 38.19
5632 09/1925 07/09/1964 39 39.28
5633 09/1925 07/05/1965 39.67 39.94
5634 09/1925 24/07/1964 38.83 39.28
5635 09/1925 14/05/1964 38.67 38.86
5636 09/1925 21/05/1962 36.67 37.02
5637 09/1925 15/06/1964 38.75 Prs Preserved
5638 09/1925 14/02/1964 38.42 38.52
5639 09/1925 21/05/1962 36.67 37.02
5640 10/1925 06/06/1963 37.67 Cut Cashmore's (Great Bridge) 12/1963 38.19
5641 10/1925 07/09/1964 38.92 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 12/1964 39.19
5642 10/1925 21/09/1962 36.92 36.94
5643 10/1925 02/07/1963 37.75 Prs Preserved
5644 11/1925 17/06/1963 37.58 37.77
5645 11/1925 07/06/1963 37.58 38.28
5646 11/1925 01/09/1962 36.83 38.19
5647 11/1925 10/03/1964 38.33 38.61
5648 11/1925 28/09/1964 38.83 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 02/1965 39.28
5649 11/1925 15/03/1963 37.33 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 11/1963 38.02
5650 01/1926 24/06/1963 37.42 38.36
5651 01/1926 26/12/1964 38.92 39.36
5652 01/1926 27/09/1962 36.67 36.86
5653 01/1926 01/01/1963 37 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 06/1963 37.44
5654 01/1926 16/12/1963 37.92 38.19
5655 01/1926 03/06/1965 39.42 39.78
5656 02/1926 14/02/1964 38 38.44
5657 02/1926 27/07/1962 36.42 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 10/1962 36.69
5658 02/1926 13/11/1965 39.75 40.19
5659 02/1926 27/11/1965 39.75 Cut Cashmore's (Great Bridge) 02/1966 40.03
5660 02/1926 23/10/1964 38.67 39.10
5661 02/1926 27/07/1962 36.42 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 09/1962 36.61
5662 02/1926 13/11/1964 38.75 39.03
5663 02/1926 03/08/1962 36.5 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 10/1962 36.69
5664 02/1926 31/08/1962 36.5 37.35
5665 06/1926 16/06/1965 39 39.19
5666 06/1926 16/07/1963 37.08 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 12/1963 37.53
5667 06/1926 17/07/1965 39.08 39.36
5668 06/1926 07/09/1964 38.25 Prs Preserved
5669 06/1926 07/09/1964 38.25 38.45
5670 08/1926 19/10/1964 38.17 38.36
5671 08/1926 06/01/1964 37.42 37.61
5672 08/1926 13/09/1963 37.08 37.69
5673 08/1926 08/03/1965 38.58 38.78
5674 08/1926 20/04/1964 37.67 38.28
5675 09/1926 26/12/1964 38.25 Cut Cohens (Morriston) 04/1965 38.61
5676 09/1926 06/11/1965 39.17 Cut Cohens (Morriston) 05/1966 39.69
5677 09/1926 06/11/1965 39.17 Cut Cohens (Morriston) 05/1966 39.69
5678 09/1926 15/01/1964 37.33 37.69
5679 09/1926 29/07/1963 36.83 37.02
5680 09/1926 02/12/1963 37.25 37.52
5681 10/1926 07/05/1965 38.58 38.86
5682 10/1926 07/05/1962 35.58 35.94
5683 10/1926 10/03/1964 37.42 37.61
5684 10/1926 17/07/1965 38.75 Cut Cashmore's (Great Bridge) 10/1965 39.03
5685 01/1927 14/02/1964 37.08 37.27
5686 01/1927 08/03/1965 38.17 38.36
5687 01/1927 02/12/1963 36.92 37.86
5688 01/1927 03/06/1965 38.42 38.78
5689 01/1927 21/05/1965 38.33 38.61
5690 01/1927 01/08/1963 36.58 37.19
5691 01/1927 25/06/1965 38.42 38.78
5692 01/1927 21/07/1965 38.5 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 10/1965 38.78
5693 01/1927 14/01/1963 36 37.02
5694 01/1927 13/11/1964 37.83 38.11
5695 01/1927 18/12/1962 35.92 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 08/1963 36.61
5696 01/1927 07/05/1965 38.33 38.61
5697 01/1927 25/04/1963 36.25 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 12/1963 36.94
5698 01/1927 21/09/1962 35.67 35.94
5699 01/1927 13/11/1964 37.83 38.19
6600 08/1927 24/08/1962 35 36.36
6601 08/1927 05/11/1962 35.25 35.36
6602 08/1927 23/10/1964 37.17 37.53
6603 09/1927 20/03/1964 36.5 36.78
6604 09/1927 02/10/1965 38.08 Cut Cashmore's (Great Bridge) 01/1966 38.36
6605 09/1927 22/01/1964 36.33 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 04/1964 36.61
6606 09/1927 15/01/1965 37.33 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 06/1965 37.78
6607 09/1927 15/03/1963 35.5 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 02/1964 36.44
6608 09/1927 15/06/1964 36.75 37.28
6609 09/1927 13/09/1963 36 36.19
6610 09/1927 01/02/1963 35.42 Cut Cashmore's (Great Bridge) 01/1964 36.36
6611 09/1927 06/11/1965 38.17 38.69
6612 10/1927 07/05/1965 37.58 37.86
6613 10/1927 01/10/1965 38 38.36
6614 10/1927 16/06/1965 37.67 38.03
6615 12/1927 13/05/1963 35.42 35.69
6616 12/1927 27/09/1962 34.75 35.94
6617 12/1927 01/09/1962 34.75 Cut Cashmore's (Great Bridge) 02/1964 36.19
6618 12/1927 13/11/1963 35.92 36.11
6619 01/1928 14/03/1963 35.17 Prs Preserved
6620 01/1928 02/12/1963 35.92 36.19
6621 01/1928 26/12/1964 36.92 37.19
6622 01/1928 26/12/1964 36.92 37.27
6623 01/1928 24/06/1963 35.42 Cut Cohens (Morriston) 01/1964 36.02
6624 01/1928 15/06/1964 36.42 36.78
6625 01/1928 06/11/1965 37.83 38.27
6626 01/1928 06/11/1965 37.83 Cut Cohens (Morriston) 04/1966 38.27
6627 02/1928 01/11/1963 35.75 35.94
6628 02/1928 21/05/1965 37.25 37.52
6629 02/1928 15/10/1962 34.67 35.52
6630 08/1928 01/09/1962 34.08 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 06/1963 34.85
6631 08/1928 10/09/1963 35.08 35.44
6632 08/1928 10/09/1963 35.08 35.27
6633 08/1928 29/05/1965 36.75 Cut Cashmore's (Great Bridge) 08/1965 37.02
6634 08/1928 24/04/1964 35.67 Prs Preserved
6635 08/1928 15/06/1964 35.83 37.36
6636 08/1928 24/06/1963 34.83 35.77
6637 08/1928 15/06/1964 35.83 36.19
6638 09/1928 15/06/1964 35.75 36.27
6639 09/1928 21/10/1963 35.08 Cut Cohens (Morriston) 05/1964 35.69
6640 09/1928 01/09/1962 34 Cut Cashmore's (Great Bridge) 11/1963 35.19
6641 09/1928 01/09/1962 34 35.19
6642 09/1928 14/01/1963 34.33 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 08/1963 34.94
6643 09/1928 06/08/1965 36.92 37.11
6644 09/1928 03/07/1965 36.83 37.36
6645 09/1928 02/08/1962 33.92 Cut Cashmore's (Great Bridge) 07/1963 34.85
6646 09/1928 16/05/1964 35.67 Cut Cashmore's (Great Bridge) 08/1964 35.94
6647 09/1928 01/09/1962 34 34.77
6648 09/1928 07/05/1965 36.67 36.94
6649 09/1928 06/02/1965 36.42 36.52
6650 08/1928 07/05/1965 36.75 37.02
6651 08/1928 09/10/1965 37.17 Cut Cashmore's (Great Bridge) 02/1966 37.53
6652 08/1928 16/12/1963 35.33 35.86
6653 08/1928 16/12/1963 35.33 35.86
6654 08/1928 25/06/1965 36.83 37.19
6655 08/1928 08/03/1965 36.58 36.77
6656 08/1928 25/09/1965 37.08 Cut Cohens (Kettering) 03/1966 37.61
6657 08/1928 16/06/1965 36.83 37.19
6658 09/1928 21/04/1965 36.58 37.02
6659 08/1928 21/10/1963 35.17 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 12/1963 35.36
6660 09/1928 15/06/1964 35.75 36.27
6661 09/1928 16/06/1965 36.75 37.11
6662 09/1928 05/04/1963 34.58 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 12/1963 35.27
6663 09/1928 24/06/1963 34.75 Cut Cashmore's (Great Bridge) 11/1963 35.19
6664 09/1928 16/12/1963 35.25 35.52
6665 09/1928 09/10/1965 37.08 Cut Cashmore's (Great Bridge) 12/1965 37.27
6666 09/1928 29/07/1963 34.83 35.10
6667 09/1928 06/11/1965 37.17 37.69
6668 09/1928 04/12/1965 37.25 Cut Cashmore's (Great Bridge) 02/1966 37.44
6669 09/1928 05/12/1962 34.25 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 07/1963 34.85
6670 09/1928 03/10/1963 35.08 35.52
6671 09/1928 09/10/1965 37.08 Cut Cashmore's (Great Bridge) 05/1966 37.69
6672 09/1928 21/07/1965 36.83 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 10/1965 37.11
6673 09/1928 07/03/1963 34.5 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 11/1963 35.19
6674 09/1928 29/07/1963 34.83 35.44
6675 09/1928 24/06/1963 34.75 35.69
6676 09/1928 05/04/1963 34.58 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 03/1964 35.52
6677 09/1928 14/01/1963 34.33 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 06/1963 34.77
6678 09/1928 28/11/1964 36.17 Cut Cashmore's (Great Bridge) 03/1965 36.52
6679 09/1928 25/09/1965 37 Cut Cohens (Kettering) 03/1966 37.52
6680 10/1928 08/04/1964 35.5 35.61
6681 10/1928 09/10/1965 37 Cut Cashmore's (Great Bridge) 12/1965 37.19
6682 10/1928 14/02/1964 35.33 35.61
6683 10/1928 23/10/1965 37 Cut Cashmore's (Great Bridge) 02/1966 37.36
6684 10/1928 27/11/1964 36.08 36.36
6685 10/1928 28/09/1964 35.92 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 01/1965 36.28
6686 10/1928 24/04/1964 35.5
6687 10/1928 21/05/1962 33.58 33.94
6688 10/1928 20/04/1964 35.5 35.94
6689 10/1928 03/06/1965 36.67 37.02
6690 10/1928 25/06/1964 35.67 36.19
6691 10/1928 25/06/1965 36.67 36.86
6692 10/1928 25/09/1965 36.92 Cut Cohens (Kettering) 03/1966 37.44
6693 10/1928 14/01/1963 34.25 Cut Cashmore's (Newport) 06/1963 34.69
6694 10/1928 25/10/1963 35 35.36
6695 10/1928 06/07/1964 35.75 Prs Preserved
6696 10/1928 02/12/1963 35.17 35.52
6697 10/1928 21/05/1966 37.58 Prs Preserved
6698 10/1928 07/03/1963 34.42 Cut Cashmore's (Great Bridge) 02/1964 35.36
6699 10/1928 16/12/1963 35.17 35.44