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Record: 10408 (31/12/2024)
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GWR Dean "3521 4-4-0" Class 4-4-0

GWR Date To Service Rebuilt From Depot Delivered To Date Withdrawn Depot Withdrawn From Svc Age (Yrs) Fate Where When Tot Age (Yrs)
3521 08/1887 08/1899
from 3521 0-4-4T
10/1931 44.17
3522 08/1887 05/1899
from 3521 0-4-4T
01/1925 37.42
3523 08/1887 10/1899
from 3521 0-4-4T
05/1927 39.75
3524 09/1887 03/1902
from 3521 0-4-4T
10/1927 40.08
3525 09/1887 03/1901
from 3521 0-4-4T
05/1929 41.67
3526 10/1887 06/1900
from 3521 0-4-4T
10/1927 40
3527 10/1887 02/1900
from 3521 0-4-4T
04/1927 39.5
3528 11/1887 06/1900
from 3521 0-4-4T
07/1927 39.67
3529 11/1887 04/1900
from 3521 0-4-4T
04/1931 43.42
3530 11/1887 11/1899
from 3521 0-4-4T
03/1922 34.33
3531 11/1887 06/1901
from 3521 0-4-4T
11/1927 40
3532 12/1887 10/1902
from 3521 0-4-4T
03/1923 35.25
3533 12/1887 06/1901
from 3521 0-4-4T
02/1929 41.17
3534 12/1887 12/1899
from 3521 0-4-4T
10/1927 39.83
3535 01/1888 08/1899
from 3521 0-4-4T
12/1928 40.92
3536 01/1888 10/1901
from 3521 0-4-4T
11/1926 38.83
3537 02/1888 05/1899
from 3521 0-4-4T
09/1928 40.58
3538 02/1888 10/1900
from 3521 0-4-4T
07/1927 39.42
3539 03/1888 01/1900
from 3521 0-4-4T
10/1927 39.58
3540 03/1888 09/1900
from 3521 0-4-4T
11/1927 39.67
3541 09/1888 10/1899
from 3521 0-4-4T
10/1913 25.08
3542 09/1888 03/1899
from 3521 0-4-4T
03/1926 37.5
3543 09/1888 09/1899
from 3521 0-4-4T
09/1928 40
3544 10/1888 05/1900
from 3521 0-4-4T
02/1927 38.33
3545 10/1888 08/1900
from 3521 0-4-4T
04/1931 42.5
3546 10/1888 01/1900
from 3521 0-4-4T
03/1927 38.42
3547 10/1888 01/1902
from 3521 0-4-4T
10/1927 39
3548 11/1888 03/1901
from 3521 0-4-4T
08/1929 40.75
3549 11/1888 08/1899
from 3521 0-4-4T
09/1928 39.83
3550 11/1888 07/1900
from 3521 0-4-4T
10/1929 40.92
3551 11/1888 12/1900
from 3521 0-4-4T
06/1929 40.58
3552 12/1888 10/1900
from 3521 0-4-4T
01/1929 40.08
3553 12/1888 01/1899
from 3521 0-4-4T
11/1928 39.92
3554 01/1889 02/1900
from 3521 0-4-4T
06/1930 41.42
3555 01/1889 04/1900
from 3521 0-4-4T
09/1929 40.67
3556 02/1889 08/1901
from 3521 0-4-4T
10/1927 38.67
3557 03/1889 11/1899
from 3521 0-4-4T
03/05/1934 45.17
3558 06/1889 12/1901
from 3521 0-4-4T
09/1923 34.25
3559 07/1889 01/1901
from 3521 0-4-4T
11/1931 42.33
3560 07/1889 09/1899
from 3521 0-4-4T
10/1923 34.25