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Record: 10408 (31/12/2024)
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LSWR/SR Adams "G6" Class 0-6-0T

SR (1931) BR Date To Service Depot Delivered To Date Withdrawn Depot Withdrawn From Svc Age (Yrs) Fate Where When Tot Age (Yrs)
160 30160 03/1900 25/04/1959 59.08 59.21
162 30162 04/1900 31/03/1958 57.92 57.95
237 30237 09/1898 03/1949 50.5 62.04
238 30238 09/1898 11/1960 62.17 64.70
239 30239 09/1898 10/1948 50.08 50.28
240 30240 10/1898 03/1949 50.42 51.37
257 30257 08/1894 02/1949 54.5 55.04
258 30258 08/1894 29/07/1961 66.92 67.13
259 30259 09/1894 12/1950 56.25 56.45
260 30260 09/1894 15/11/1958 64.17 64.21
261 30261 09/1894 11/1948 54.17 54.28
262 30262 09/1894 11/1949 Guildford 55.17 55.28
263 30263 10/1894 09/1949 54.92 55.12
264 30264 10/1894 02/1949 54.33 54.37
265 30265 10/1894 08/1949 54.83 55.12
266 30266 10/1894 08/1960 65.83 65.88
267 30267 10/1896 02/1949 52.33 52.37
268 30268 10/1896 12/1950 54.17 54.37
269 30269 10/1896 10/1949 Guildford 53 53.03
270 30270 11/1896 10/01/1959 62.17 62.29
271 30271 12/1897 09/1948 50.75 52.03
272 30272 02/1898 08/1950 52.5
273 30273 02/1898 03/1949 51.08 51.86
274 30274 02/1898 08/10/1960 62.67 62.79
275 30275 02/1898 12/1949 51.83 51.95
276 30276 03/1898 15/10/1949 Yeovil Pen Mill 51.58 51.70
277 30277 04/1900 11/11/1961 61.58 61.63
278 30278 05/1900 12/1948 48.58 48.70
279 30279 11/1898 12/1948 50.08 50.20
348 30348 06/1900 08/1948 48.17 48.45
349 30349 06/1900 22/07/1961 61.08 61.21
351 30351 06/1900 03/1949 48.75 48.78
353 30353 06/1900 03/1951 50.75 50.78
354 30354 06/1900 11/1949 49.42 49.53