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Record: 10408 (31/12/2024)
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MR/LMS Johnson "4P" Class 4-4-0

MR MR (1907) BR Date To Service Depot Delivered To Date Withdrawn Depot Withdrawn From Svc Age (Yrs) Fate Where When Tot Age (Yrs)
2631 1000 41000 01/1902 29/09/1951 49.67 Prs Preserved
2632 1001 41001 01/1902 20/10/1951 49.75 49.78
2633 1002 41002 07/1903 05/06/1948 44.92 45.03
2634 1003 41003 09/1903 31/03/1951 47.5
2635 1004 41004 11/1903 23/02/1952 48.25 48.36
1000 1005 41005 10/1905 23/06/1951 45.67 45.70
1001 1006 41006 11/1905 12/05/1951 45.5 45.53
1002 1007 41007 11/1905 10/05/1952 46.5 46.53
1003 1008 41008 11/1905 16/07/1949 Leicester Midland 43.67
1004 1009 41009 12/1905 11/1951 45.92
1005 1010 41010 12/1905 16/07/1949 Kettering 43.58 43.70
1006 1011 41011 12/1905 28/02/1951 45.17 45.20
1007 1012 41012 12/1905 13/01/1951 45.08 45.20
1008 1013 41013 12/1905 06/1949 43.5
1009 1014 41014 12/1905 10/05/1952 46.42 46.45
1010 1015 41015 03/1906 10/1951 45.58 45.87
1011 1016 41016 03/1906 27/10/1951 45.58
1012 1017 41017 03/1906 05/08/1950 44.42 44.62
1013 1018 41018 04/1906 10/07/1948 42.25 42.53
1014 1019 41019 04/1906 10/1951 45.5 45.95
1015 1020 41020 04/1906 05/05/1951 45.08 45.11
1016 1021 41021 04/1906 20/09/1952 46.42 46.45
1017 1022 41022 05/1906 22/04/1950 43.92
1018 1023 41023 05/1906 11/08/1951 45.25 45.28
1019 1024 41024 05/1906 02/10/1948 42.42
1020 1025 41025 05/1906 17/01/1953 46.67 46.70
1021 1026 41026 06/1906 21/08/1948 42.17
1022 1027 41027 06/1906 25/09/1948 42.25
1023 1028 41028 06/1906 20/09/1952 46.25 46.28
1024 1029 41029 07/1906 05/06/1948 41.92 42.03
1025 1030 41030 09/1906 25/08/1951 44.92 45.11
1026 1031 41031 09/1906 11/1949 43.17
1027 1032 41032 10/1906 15/03/1952 45.42 45.45
1028 1033 41033 10/1906 14/08/1948 41.83
1029 1034 41034 12/1906 29/04/1950 43.33 43.70
1035 41035 11/1908 10/05/1952 43.5 43.53
1036 41036 11/1908 25/09/1948 39.83 39.94
1037 41037 12/1908 24/03/1951 42.25 42.27
1038 41038 12/1908 02/08/1952 43.67
1039 41039 12/1908 03/06/1950 41.5 41.53
1040 41040 01/1909 17/05/1952 43.33
1041 41041 01/1909 11/1951 42.83 43.19
1042 41042 02/1909 05/1949 40.25
1043 41043 03/1909 22/12/1951 42.75 42.87
1044 41044 03/1909 09/1952 43.5 43.62