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GCR/LNER Robinson "B18" Class 4-6-0

Class Types
GCR Class 8C
LNER Class B1
LNER Class B18

Designer John Robinson
Introduced 1903
Pre-Grouping Company Great Central Railway
Grouping Company London and North Eastern Railway
Wheel Arrangement 4-6-0
Number Built as B18 2
Number Scrapped 2
First in Service 12/1903
Last in Service 31/12/1947
Beyer Peacock Ltd. 2
Route Availability 5
Engine Diagrams
Section C, 1924 Saturated boilers
Section C, 1926 Superheated engine 5195
Section C, 1927 Both engines superheated with 21in. piston valve cylinders.
Section C, 1937 Short chimneys.

B18 B18
Variant Introduced 1903 1904
Tractive Effort 21,658lbs 17,729lbs
Outside Cylinders 21" x 26" (2 off) 19" x 26" (2 off)
Outside Valves 10"Piston Slide
Outside Motion Stephenson Stephenson

B18 B18
Pony 3' 6"
As B18
Drivers 6' 9"
As B18
Truck 4' 4"
As B18
Total Wheelbase 51' 10"
As B18
Descriptive Wheelbase 6' 6" + 5' 9½ + 7' 3" + 7' 3" = 26' 9½
As B18

B18 B18
Length (over buffers) 61' 1114"
As B18
Weight (in running order) 72t 18cwt
As B18
Adhesive Weight 55t 4cwt
As B18
Maximum Axle Load 18t 10cwt
As B18
Water Capacity 4,000gal
As B18
Coal Capacity 6t 0cwt
As B18

Boiler & Firebox
B18 B18
Boiler Diagram 16Sat
As B18
Boiler Max Diameter 5'
As B18
Boiler Barrel Length 15'
As B18
Boiler Pressure 180lbs
As B18
Boiler Pitch 8' 6"
As B18
Firebox Length 8' 6"
As B18
Firebox Grate Area 26.24ft2
As B18
Firebox Heating Surface 133ft2
As B18
Tube Number 226
As B18
Tube Diameter 2"
As B18
Tube Area 1818ft2
As B18
Total Evaporative Area 1951ft2
As B18