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Depot: Allerton

Depot Details
Depot Name Allerton
Depot Codes
Big 4 Company LMS
British Railways Region LMR
1980 Directions The depot is on the north side of the Hunt's Cross line about ¼ mile south-east of Allerton Station. The yard is visible from the main line.

Turn right outside Allerton Station into Woolton Road and right again immediately before the Allerton Arms Hotel into a private drive which leads to the depot. Walking time 10 minutes.
Popup Maps (New Window) 25 Inch (1892-1914)
OS (1:25,000) (1937-1961)
OS 7th Series 1 inch (1:63,360)
01/07/1960Change of code to 8H
01/09/1963Change of code to 8J
06/05/1973Change of code to AN

Shunter Duties
Nearby Shunter Duties Canada Dock
Continuous Class 08 working in goods depot, ½ mile west of Bank Hall Station on Regent Road.

Continuous Class 08 working in sleeper yard west end of station, north side.

Continuous Class 08 workings in carriage sidings ½ mile south of Edge Hill Station, west side of Mossley Hill line. Local trips. Work from EG, view Wavertree Road.

Continuous Class 08 working at Materials Depot on spur 250 yards north of station. Access Barlow's Lane.

Continuous Class 08 working south side of line between Glazebrook and Irlam stations. Access in housing estate off A57 road. Sometimes at Warrington Central.

Lime Street
Continuous Class 08 station pilot. Also main line locomotives and multiple units.

Continuous Class 08 working. Stables south end, east side of station and works branch from west side of station.

Continuous Class 08 workings for Fords-Halewood - between Allerton and Ditton stations, Garston Freightliner Terminal in docks ½ mile west of Garston Station and Speke Yard ¾ mile south of Allerton Station, west side of Ditton line. Stabling point on south side of line between Speke and Garston junctions. Also main line locomotives. Turn left outside Allerton Station into Woolton Road, passing Garston Station on the right, and turn left into Horrocks Avenue. Turn left again into Speke Road and left between blocks of flats into Vineyard Street. A drive leads from the left hand side of this street under a railway bridge to the stabling point. Walking time 15 minutes.

Spekeland Road
Continuous Class 08 working for freight depot on spur 100 yards south-west of Edge Hill Station. Normally stables under bridge at junction of Spofforth Road and Wavertree Road. Works from EG.

Warrington Central
Continuous Class 08 working, stables east of station, north side of line. Works Padgate sidings, east of station.

Continuous Class 08 working in parcels depot, west side of Downhill carriage sidings off Picton Road. Works from EG.

Continuous Class 08 workings in Deviation Yard, south side of freight line ½ mile east of Ditton Station. Visible from southerly approaches to Runcorn road bridge.

Irregular Class 08 WOrking from NW usually one mile north of Winsford Station on west side.